Windrider Rave SAILBOAT
Type: Catamaran | Hull Material: Fiberglass |
Look at the wide beam and sealed outriggers. Shy of using plastic explosives or a hurricane, you're not going to capsize or sink this boat. That's comforting knowledge for novices who want to develop skills, and for experts who want to test theirs. Slender hulls slice through the water and reduce hobby-horsing in the chop. Note, too, that the boom height allows for safe, effortless jibes. The rugged polyethylene construction stands up to encounters with coral, docks, pilings and buoys that would shatter fiberglass. If there's a safer sailboat, it's one that never leaves the showroom.
The boats trailer easily, and the smaller models can be car-topped. All of which means you can sail on an impulse - after work, after dinner, whenever you get the urge because there are none of the hassles associated with bigger boats or complicated catamarans. What's more, maintenance amounts to an occasional blast from a garden hose.
Beneath the calming, reassuring design beats the heart of a sprinter. It doesn't take much air to drive the hulls, and moderate to stiff breezes can produce exhilarating speeds. And for those who'd like to see jet skiers wet themselves and power boaters shake their heads in awe, the 30 mph-plus WindRider Rave will make your day.
You can learn more about the different models by choosing from the menu above. Each page contains general information as well as pictures, movies, technical information and a complete list of each boat's options.