Sell Bus / Buses / Caches
- cars, - light vehicles maximum 3,5 Tons, - trucks : Chassis Cabin / Straight Truck / Road Tractor - details see:
- cars - light vehicles maximum 3,5 Tons- trucks : Chassis Cabin / Straight Truck / Road Tractor- bus / buses / Coaches- ambulances- trailer / semi-trailer- heavy handling equipment.- special vehicles- Material Public Works : Concrete Plants, Trucks, Crushers, Loaders, Backhoes, Telescopic Handler, Compactors, Motor Graders, Excavators, Articulated Dump Trucks, Track-Type Tractors, Miscellaneous.Sell*: Vehicles / Materials, coming from enterprises (Users, Constructors / Distributors, Various). Buy**: Your compagnies is looking for : Vehicles / Equipment, our fee will be based on the work involved. We study all offer : buy / sell, call us.If you don't deal with above items, please tell your friends.Your cooperation will be very welcome.For all requests, please don't forget to give your complete coordinates